Im amazing just the way I am


Life is filled with so many ups and downs…I never know if I am happy or not. I do know that I want to drop some weight for a wedding in a few weeks and I am simply lacking motivation. I don’t want to completely give up my social life to drop weight but I am. It is so hard to tell my friends no to dining out and watching movies all of the time. I can’t wait until me and my boyfriend move closer to the city so I can get a gym membership..I am going to be hot!

I have been eating quite healthy at work and throughout the day but I find it very hard to curb my late night snack binges. there should not be food ads on late night television!

I am trying to think up a business plan for my own venture to start bringing in some extra cash. I’m thinking of starting a media consulting business. I can develop facebook and twitter accounts as well as web advertising plans for small companies. By doing this I could offer them affordable rates and make some spare change for myself. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Working at home is truly the only way I think I can be completely happy.

One response »

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and say “Hi!”. Many moons ago you stopped by my blog and I recently started to blog again and clean up some things when I noticed your post. We both seem to struggle with late night binges! I take a sleeping pill most nights and one of the publicized side effects has been known to be “night eating” without remembering it… so I used that excuse for a while! Ha, ha. It’s so easy to find an excuse when you feel like YOU HAVE TO EAT NOW – whether you really do or not. I get it. Sometimes I am able to resist and sometimes I’m not – it does seem that the more often I resist, though, that it gets easier (like my resistance muscle gets strengthened the more I use it!). Don’t give up. And don’t beat yourself up when you have a binge. Be kind to yourself and keep moving in the direction you really want to go. Every meal or snack is another opportunity to make a better choice. 🙂 Angie

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